

A letter from the Board Chair

Susan Cramm
Board Chair

These were two very challenging years. Because of COVID-19, we started FY2021 with our US headquarters and sanctuaries in lockdown, unable to produce jewelry or run in-person programs. All of the in-person events which were so important to our business were cancelled, and boutiques so critical to our sales were likewise shuttered. We lost a whole bunch of our domestic staff, and had to shut down our young Orange County Sanctuary.

But, this crisis also unearthed opportunities for growth and change. We turned to technology to connect with our participants and continued to provide education, coaching, and mental health care. We nursed our new Cebu Sanctuary in the Philippines to life, found new ways to source materials, and continued to pay the women in each of our sanctuaries a steady living wage - providing financial stability during an otherwise tumultuous time. Like you, we survived. We focused. We learned and pivoted.

Today, we go forward, resilient and ready for a new chapter of this restorative work. And, we’re more passionate than ever to walk alongside women escaping human trafficking and exploitation, helping them secure the personal and economic resources needed to ensure their ongoing freedom.

I am thrilled to be leading that charge, and so grateful for the amazing team of volunteers and supporters like you who make the restoration of these precious women possible.

77% of our funds comes from people like you.

Please help us to further our mission by making a contribution today.

The Numbers

Total Revenues

Revenue (FY2022)

Program Expense Ratio

2021-2022 Annual Report

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